Help! I've ordered an iBook 800, and it has no name yet...


Staff member
I've done it. :)

It's been two years since I've bought my last Macintosh computer. I sure have urged many other people to buy iBooks in the past two years: One of my Ex-Girlfriends has an iBook/500 CD-ROM, another has an iBook/600 Combo and my sister an iBook/700 Combo (all 12", of course). And the middle's sister bought a TiBook/550 Combo. Now I'm the last in that row (for now). A fully maxxed out iBook 800 12". It'll replace my TiBook 500, and of course be slower in some and faster in most aspects. I'll keep my TiBook as a 'desktop' machine for the tasks where the G4 is simply better: Photoshop and InDesign. Everything else I'll do on my iBook.

Please advise me, though: What name should the baby get?
How are your other babies called then? Somethign that fits to the family, normally... :)
Hmm... My TiBook's simply called the 'Ti', but the 'i' doesn't work as it's kind of reserved for my own person. ;)

Greek names? I'll think about it... Do you mean mystic, arcane names? Like gods' names, for example?
I can tell you at work we first used vine names for our computers and then cheese names...

It would be my choice I would choose either physicists (my drives where named Albert, Bernoulli,...) ou by elements (H, He, ..).
Ilsa, Ivana, Inga, Oppenheimer, Freud ...

IceChip (I used to have a cluster of Linux PCs with colour coded themes and cases named GreyChip, BlueChip and RedChip)

... Gonzales (perhaps save that for the PowerMac, eh?) ...

... Beep, The Kernel, FrostByte, Schroedinger, Hermes ...
I'm thinking about calling it 'navi' right now. I'm still heavily on 'serial experiments lain', although I've watched the series more than five times (completely!).

Hermes is one that I like, too... sunshune sounds nice, too, what's it mean? :)
My old iMac was Daedalus. My new one's hard drives are Cybele and Procne, to get your train of thought going a little better. :)
Some names I suggest...
"Pagos" - Ice
"Dynami" - Power
"Aspros" - White
"Milo" - Apple
"Foritos" - Portable

If it were me, I would choose either Aspros or Milo. :)
Good idea Ricky! I have the same problem with my 12" PB (coming wdnesday!). I was thinkin about latin mythology rather than greek: Mercury (instead of Hermes).
The metal (well: semi-metal) is silvery and the god is renowed for his speed and for being messenger of the gods ... it may sound silly, but I immediately made the association with my PB-to-be :) moreover I like Queen :p

But as suggestion to Fryke: try the latin variants of Ricky's list!

Glacies - Ice
Potentia / Vis - power
albus - white
mala - apple
feribilis - portable

and of course:

Liber - Book! :D

Good luck!
'Alba'... I think my iBook will be female rather than male. ;)

Btw.: It's gonna be in my hands in about 11 hours. I'm nervous - very, very nervous...

I love Queen, too, btw, and Mercury would have been a very, very good name.

Hermes would be perfect, because my very first typewriter was a Hermes Baby (featured in our authors' group marketing photo for the project 'Schreiben tut weh', see the following link...)

(I'm the one on the lower right.)

For people capable of reading German short stories and poetry: Go to - the project will end on 31. March 2003, and all the content will be taken down then. :p

Hermes Baby... No good name for my iBook, I guess. :)
Hehehè .. all these Greek gods.. :D
I'm religious as well - my sweeties are LoZen, Tao, iChing ... ;) - Mh, ... Caladan? Calderon? Obelix? :-/ ...
oh... :) i thought sunshane was something japanese... :)

I've GOT IT!!!!! :) :) :) I'm writing this from my iBook now. Ain't life great? :)

And I think it doesn't really need a name. I'm so glad it's here... This is going to be the baby I'll write all of my stories and poetry on, I'm sure. I already like the keyboard...
Take a top model name... it will be the first time a top model has ideas inside !
I would consider naming it after what it is, or what the user is.

For instance, even though I like to call myself CellFish, I figured it would be redundant to name my computer the same thing. As a result, I figured I should name it after the fact that I am a water astrological sign (pisces). Therefore it is called Poseidon, after the Greek God of Water. I also have a firewire hard drive that I called Hephaestus after the Greek God of the Forge/Fire. I thought it was pretty snazzy.

Hmm... Fryke is the protagonist of several cyberpunk short stories written by myself. So the iBook could be named iBook, as in 'internet Book'. ;)

Well... It's 'navi' for now.