I'm in dire need of trying to find a USB A to B, female to male dongle/adapter. I am trying to set up my devices to use bluetooth instead of plugging everything in.
I have found the following adapter.
I have spent tons of time looking for something like this, but I need the male usb connector on the end (the one that plugs into lets say my laser printer)
Then, I need any bluetooth usb adapter.. preferably I'm going to get:
Does anyone know where I can find such an adapter? This would eliminate a lot of cable mess in my condo.
I have found the following adapter.
I have spent tons of time looking for something like this, but I need the male usb connector on the end (the one that plugs into lets say my laser printer)
Then, I need any bluetooth usb adapter.. preferably I'm going to get:
Does anyone know where I can find such an adapter? This would eliminate a lot of cable mess in my condo.