Help! Mac OSX 10.3.9 Problems


I have a 1.33 GHZ Powerbook G4 with 256 MB built in. I am running Mac OSX 10.3.9. I only use my Mac for internet, Microsoft Office, and to store music and pictures.

What do I need to do to upgrade to 10.5 Leopard? Realistically speaking is it worth it to upgrade for my uses? Also, I'm trying to spend as little money as possible, so a cheap fix would be appreciated.

Any help that anyone can provide would be very much appreciated. Thanks all.

Seeing as 10.5 is terribly expensive on eBay and the fact that you only have 256 RAM, 10.4 likely will give you the best 'bang for the buck'. Although more RAM will help in either OS.
Thanks for your help SGilbert. I'm a total noob. Where's the best place to go to upgrade my RAM? How much more do I need? 512 total? More? I may have access to a 10.5 disk through a classmate. Would I only need additional RAM to install a new operating system? Thanks again.
Download MacTracker. Find your Mac. It'll tell you the max RAM and how many slots you have. Any place BUT Apple will have decent RAM, however I like OWC:
I have used who guarantee the memory for lifetime. Promptly replaced a chip that failed a few years later. In fact--subject of a discussion HERE when I first washed up--they gave me the replacement chip to determine which one of my chips had gone "bad."
