Help Me List The Mac Advantages


I am trying to convince my Dad that his next computer, which he'll be getting within the next few months, should be a Mac. The new iMac in particular. He uses a computer for the basics mostly...MS Office, Internet, email, Quicken, and MS flight simulator. I know that the MS flight simulator is not available for the Mac, however, I understand the one called Fly is supposed to be good on the Mac.

He's had problems in the past with not understanding the Windows UI very well, not being able to find things he's downloaded, getting confused in general, etc. Whenever he sees my Mac running OS X he always mentions how easy and cool it looks. He was blown away by how simple burning CDs and using iTunes was. Yet I still can't seem to convince him that a Mac is best for him.

He doesn't used any specialzed "Windows only" software so there shouldn't be much of a problem. For some reasone he still likes Gateway, of all PC companies!?

I want to come up with a solid list of reasons that a Mac is the better choice for him. I plan to tak him to the Apple store near us so he can experience it first hand and have the Apple folks explain things as well. Thanks for any help!

1) Macs retain their value for longer - they won't go obsolete as quickly and when the time comes to trade it in for a new computer, they'll be worth more than a comparable PC.

2) Macs are easier to use. It's easier to find things when you're looking for them, especially with the Dock program.

3) Macs are more stable and you'll spend less time recovering from crashes. Even when programs do crash, you'll often be given a chance to save your work, and when programs crash, they won't take out everything, only the individual programs.

4) Macs look nicer.

5) Macintosh hardware is coded with the operating system - meaning that problems with device drivers, hardware conflicts, and other problems are nonexistant.

6) Macintoshes are more secure than Windows Systems

7) Macintoshes don't require you to register themselves with Apple the way that Microsoft requires you to register with them. What you do on your Apple is your business, not Microsoft's.

8) Macintoshes take up less space.

9) Some Macintoshes are easier to fix when they do go wrong than, for example, Gateway systems, because on the PowerMac line, the case just pops open, while on a Gateway system (or any other mainstream PC system), they make it difficult if not impossible to even open your system up.

10) Macintosh computers usually come out with new technology first.

11) Macintosh computers, unlike Windows systems, don't merge the operating system and web browser. Those things are kept seperate, so that if a malicious web page causes your web browser to crash, it won't bring down your entire operating system.

12) Apple has been around longer than most PC companies, and is healthier. Most PC companies are losing money or just barely making a profit, while Apple not only makes money but has quite a bit of money to prevent buyouts. This means that if you need support a few years in the future, you will be able to get it - whereas Gateway might not even exist in the future.

13) The iMac takes up less space and has fewer wires.

14) The iMac has a flat screen.

15) The iMac not only has the capacity to burn DVDs but the Macintosh platform also has the best software for making movies.

16) The iMac has all the programs that you need, such as iTunes, and Mail (with the exception of AppleWorks/Microsoft Office X) already loaded, with none of the superfluous and redundant programs you find pre-installed on PC computers, like kids games and calendar makers, and multiple web browsers.

17) Unlike a PC system, a Macintosh won't continually nag you with advertisements for Microsoft & Microsoft Business Partner products.

18) Macintoshes are sturdier than an equivelant PC.

19) Apple Personell & salespeople *usually* know what they're talking about, compared to PC salespeople.

20) Macintoshes look cooler.
mostly I have issues with #s 5 and 6 but I guess it's a matter of degrees of disagreement, not total disagreement.

I use a PC at work and a mac whenever I have a choice. The biggest differences for me are that my macs at home, running OS X, have NEVER crashed (sure an app has crashed but I can quit it and start it right back up if I want, it has never screwed the pooch). I actually get things DONE and get them done faster with my Macs. No playing around with Windoze or coaxing the OS to do what I want, with X I tell the computer what to do and it does just that. I feel like I'm begging my windows boxes to pretty please give me at least part of what I want. In fact, using windows has made me expect and settle for MUCH less when using it. It is so refreshing to go back to my macs.

I'd love to see your pop get a mac, but you should also consider how invested he is in current hardware/peripherals that most likely will not work with a new mac. I'd hate to see you paint this rosy picture of his future with the mac just to see him hate everything apple because he has to buy all new peripherals. At least point this out and have him consider it.

From my experience, and from what you've described his computer needs as, your dad will be quite happy with a mac and will be able to do more and do it more efficiently.