Help: Mozilla Browser Issues


Help Please. My Mozilla browsers are all having the same sort of issues.


1) The text links are running into other text
2) In most text boxes, such as this one, the more i type the worse it looks. That actually says "thomas was here" at the end. However It's not visible and VERY hard to edit.

I don't know what screwed up everything, but I really want it to all come back!! Any suggestions?

I looked at it in Firebird 0.7 and Firefox 0.9 (multiple increases/decreases), no problems at all. Looked good in both, identical to Safari as far as I could tell. Even Opera 7.5 (beta build 1752) displayed it alright.

You running any custom style sheets on your own for Mozilla or any changes to the system fonts/sizes in the OS?

On a side note, you do have some validation errors. A few misplaced spaces and some XHTML style closing tags in an HTML4 document:

Might try fixing those and see if it helps...sometimes silly things like that can cause really silly issues in the browsers. They Joy of HTML!
i know my validation is off. It's hard to get the right doc type and get it all validated. ;) As far as custom style sheets.. i don't know. I don't think so. I swear it happened after i upgraded to firefox .9 but i'll look into it more. Thanks!!
Side note.... is there anything that all mozilla have in common? Like one CSS file? I hardly doubt if i messed up the same thing in all browsers unless it was a common file.
(common css file in mozilla) I don't think so...I just use them for testing purposes though. Safari is my usual browser for general use. I did take a quick look in Home/Library/Application Support, and only Firefox .9 has a directory and files there. Firebird .7 has something under the root Library/Application Support/Mozilla directory. Not sure about Firefox .8 as I never installed it.

Have you changed any settings in OS X for the system fonts or their sizes? Are you using any theme programs like Duality or ShapeShifter?

I am curious as to your doctype statement (about getting the right one). From what I saw of the source, you have it properly selected as HTML4 Transitional. XHTML 1.0 Transitional could be a possibility, but with all the tables there for layout I'd stick with what you got now.

The only reason I mentioned the validation was I've had some nasty bugs show up in past Mozilla variants due to invalid code. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if a few misplaced whitespace characters in the code (or improper tags in relation to the doctype) caused some issues with their browsers. The standards compliant browsers rely on that doctype...if you use one (doctype) then the code in the page should validate. Otherwise, really weird things happen for no apparent reason.

I tried it again, ranging through all font size adjustments for Firefox .9, Firebird.7, Safari 1.2.2, and even Firefox .8 on WinXP (will never forgive you for having to touch that darkside computer <G>)...nothing like the screencaps you posted at all.

At +2 in the Mozilla browsers the layout started to break a bit (the table widened to the right by 15-20px each time). Same happened in Safari, but was at +3 and not as bad...only widened by 5 to 10px each time afterward.
Well i installed firefox .9 at home last night and I have no issues. It's only at work I do have ShapeShifter installed but i even de-activated all the APE / Shapeshifter stuff and got the same results. I then threw out most mozilla files i could find, except for physical browsers, and that didn't help either. However, I did see on the mozilla site, that they recommend a G4 667. Since my work computer is a G4 450, I wonder if that could do it? Doubt it but I'm trying to find anything right now to go off. I also wonder if another browser is screwing something up? I have all of them installed. ;)
Weird...something on that machine is the issue, though I doubt it's the processor. Sure the system font sizes are correct? Maybe it's using a different font than normal and that font is bad.

Never knew they "recommended" a processor for the browser, learn something new everyday.

I had a chance to look at it on Mozilla 1.4 under Solaris 9 yesterday, no problem there either.

Have you thought about using relative sizing for the fonts? I noticed PX as the unit in the css file. Leaves those poor IE folk unable to use resizing. I generally use a base-font size of a percentage (75 to 85%) on the body, then everything else (p, h1, etc.) is in EMs. Works alright on all the browsers and keeps accessibility high. Just adjust the percentage on the body to tweak all sizes at once until you're happy. The P tag usually gets set at 1em, and everything else is figured out by myself from that (h1 might be 2em, h2 1.5em, h3 1.25em, h5 .75em, and so on).
Well i don't know what to change and where. I haven't changed the system wide fonts or anything like that. I tried to think of everything I could. I just don't get it either.
FIXED!!! Mozilla based browsers can't handle duplicate fonts in font book. Must have been a duplicate Verdana that confused FireFox, Mozilla, Netscape and Camino!!! It's fixed now and i'm so happy.