HELP!! My Finder won't start



I let a friend install his copy of black and white onto my mac (10.2.3, Quicksilver G4). When he quit, the screen went black, and now I don't have a finder.

Ran /sbin/fsck from the single-user boot,which "fixed" a massive number of errors, but no avail. I have a Sock, I have the right-hand icons, (date,time, etc) and provided i have an application open, I have the blue Apple and app. menu.

my system.log says:

Feb 4 18:58:40 HD1 WindowServer[192]: CGXGetWindowProperty: Invalid window 0
Feb 4 19:15:18 HD1 WindowServer[192]: CGXGetWindowProperty: Invalid window 0

Killing the process does just what one would expect--back to the login screeen (which works fine) but still no Finder on re-entry.

Please help. I really don't want to have to reinstall the whole system and go through all that again.

Try running fsck -y again, and repeat until it reports no more errors. If it comes up with any errors at all, run it again.

Then, repair permissions on the disk using the Disk Utility.
Have you tried trashing the Finder preferences?
Try deleting these files and then relaunching Finder: