Help, my man pages don't work!


When i type, for instance, man sshd
this is what comes out:
/usr/bin/man: illegal option -- C
man, version 1.1

There are no aliases set for man.
I'm using bash. It doesn't work in tcsh either. It worked in 10.1.5, I'm using 10.2 now. (6c115.) Any ideas?

Oh, and this is my MANPATH:
it's actually manpath.config and it looks fine to me... here it is, in its entirety:

# $FreeBSD: src/gnu/usr.bin/man/manpath/manpath.config,v 1.18 2002/03/23 00:04:15 brian Exp $
# This file is read by manpath(1) to configure the mandatory manpath,
# optional manpath and to map each path element to a manpath element.
# The format is:
# MANDATORY_MANPATH manpath_element
# OPTIONAL_MANPATH manpath_element
# MANPATH_MAP path_element manpath_element
# MANLOCALES locale1 locale2 ...
# every automatically generated MANPATH includes these fields
MANDATORY_MANPATH /usr/share/man
# check if the directory exists and if it does, add it to MANPATH
OPTIONAL_MANPATH /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/man
# set up PATH to MANPATH mapping
MANPATH_MAP /bin /usr/share/man
MANPATH_MAP /usr/bin /usr/share/man
MANPATH_MAP /usr/local/bin /usr/local/man
MANPATH_MAP /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/X11R6/man
# set man locales, if needed
You have Fink installed.

If you run:

% which man

It will tell you:


In this case, either comment out in your .cshrc file

# /sw/bin/init.csh

or check again your MANPATH. I'm using Fink also and my MANPATH looks as follows:

151 [Sao @/Users/pm] % printenv MANPATH

Yes, I certainly do have fink installed. I do not see how the changes made to the manpath by fink would damage man at all... all it does is add /sw/share/man:/sw/man: and /usr/X11R6/man to the path. You can look for yourself: less /sw/bin/
My manpath looks just the same as yours except for /Users/pm.
Yikes! I didn't realize you're using Jaguar.

Of course.

$ man -C
man: illegal option -- C
man, version 1.1

Unssuported. :)

Try again uncommenting fink path in the .cshrc file, just to see if you get man back.

Yes, i have been talking with people on #fink and learned a lot about how fink works with man pages. It installs a custom /sw/bin/fink which uses the "manconf" wrapper for /usr/bin/man which uses a -C option to inform man of fink's man page locations. However, the new darwin man in jag doesn't accept -C. So, there is a package "man" being worked on for fink which will install GNU man (not darwin man, though darwin man will still of course be in /usr/bin/) in /sw/bin.
Just sudo pico /sw/bin/man and change the line '/usr/bin/man -C /sw/etc/man.conf $*' to '/usr/bin/man -m /sw/etc/man.conf $*'.

This will appease jaguar's man.