HELP! Need External CD drive for Macbook Pro!


Please help!! All I want is a simple external CD drive for my Macbook Pro (the internal CD hasn't been working for quite some time and the Apple store said that it would cost $600+ dollars to fix the internal issue!!) However, I found this external CD drive, but it's only for the Macbook Air: Product Listing Ads&utm_term=Primary

Can anyone PLEASE tell me ANY options for what external CD drive to buy which is compatible with Macbook Pro?? If you can I will be forever grateful!!
the internal CD hasn't been working for quite some time and the Apple store said that it would cost $600+ dollars to fix the internal issue!!

There is no way an internal optical drive for that machine would cost that much to fix unless there is something more serious wrong with the machine than the optical drive, or else they quoted you an accidental damage price meaning the machine has been dropped or seen liquid.