Help! No administrator privileges any more!


In a recent thread I asked how I could change my admin user name.
The answer I got was that I should open netinfo manager, and change wherever my old user name appears in the "users/[username]" folder to the new one. I actually did that and now I have no privileges any more.
First the system said that it can't find my Home folder (I expected OS X to rename the old one, but it didn't do that). Then after a restart I actually had my "new" home folder with no access to it.
The curious thing it that OS X created a new user (the old one remained unchanged) with whom I have no privileges at all.
My System Preferences folder is completely gone (no items in it). I tried to change it back to the old configuration, but OS X didn't let me (no permission to change the Home folder).

What can I do? Any chance to avoid re-installation?

Thanks in advance,
