HELP: Palm m105 to OS-X


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
Does anybody have a solution to connect a Palm m105 to a Mac operating OS-X. The m105 has no USB support.
the m105 doesn't have an USB craddle (or at least I didn't find one on Palm accessories list)
There's a device called Palm Connect USB that's basically a serial adaptor. The OS X Palm Desktop seems to support it, so if you can still find one, it might be worth a shot.
Originally posted by davidbrit2
There's a device called Palm Connect. Palm Desktop seems to support it, so if you can still find one, it might be worth a shot.

If you can still find one? They are for sale all over the place. I use one to connect my palm Vx to my iBook.

You could use a search engine like cnet's shopper or pricewatch to find the best deal on one. Or you can pick one up @ Best Buy (the only brick and mortar that I know that actually carries them in the store and not simply via their website). They typically run between $30 and $40.

There are some products that do a similar thing (ie. Belkin makes one) but they will not work under OSX, regardles if they have OSX drivers. Palm's hotsync manager (which will be required for you to sync regardless of whether you use Entourage, iSync, or Palm Desktop) only recognizes connections from serial palms via the Palm Connect (learned via experience and later found stated on Palms website).