HELP!! Partition Deletion


I was using VolumeWorks to delete 1 partition and make another take up the whole drive... and... I did something really stupid.
I deleted my partition (the one I wanted to keep)!!!
I was trying to delete the Apple_Boot partition, and I think I accidentally clicked on the main partition and the clicked erase.
Now, it is gone.
This is REALLY bad...
Is there any program I can use that can recover this? There is a big chunk of space in the same spot that the partition was, so I know where it was. I just need something similar to a PC's Partition Magic.
Also, please note that I have a GUID partition table on an Intel Mac running Tiger 10.4.7.


note: This is on an external hard drive that has a LOT of data on it.

Also, this was just done. I then unplugged it and have not touched it since so as to avoid decreasing my chances of recovery.

Thanks in advance for any help you might provide,
You can try disk recovery software (don't install it, just run from the CD/DVD) or send the drive off to a data recovery center where you'll pay an obscene amount of money to recover the data.

Either way, you will lose a good portion of the data anyway and of the remaining files recoverd, probably only 50% of those will actually be useable, as they tend to get pretty corrupted in the recovery process.

In the future (as you now know) you should always back up all your data before mucking around with erasing drives... just in case such a finger slip occurs.