HELP: PowerBook 550 and 667


The Most Stupid Member
I am going to get a new PowerBook very soon within few hours to few days!! Which one should I get?

In my case, I have an 512MB of RAM and an AirPort card left from my sold-iBook. If I buy the 667 model, there will be one 256MB of RAM and an AirPort card left... and I've to pay $700 in return...

Would the 667 vs 550 and extra 10GB hard disk worth $700? How fast is 667 and 550 if compare??

Please help! I will get the machine in a very short time!!!
Go for the 667. It much faster overall. It has faster ram and bus speed, which makes a big difference. The RAM from the iBook would only be 100, so it wouldn't be a good idea to put it into the TiBook, and an Airport card comes preinstalled in the 667 models. I'd say paying an extra $700 will get you a computer that will last at least 6 months more than the 550.

Just my thoughts...