Help! Powerbook G4 Chimes At Start-up And Then Does Nothing.


Hi. I have a Powerbook G4 1.33 GHZ. Whenever I restart, or turn off, then turn back on it will do the start up chimes with the black screen, then it will not do anything after that. I can hear the hard disk, or whatever, spin back down after the chiming noise.

The only way to get it to stay on is to hold in the command key at startup, then it starts up fine.

PLEASE HELP! I have reformatted, reinstalled Tiger and it still does it.


It sounds like it is trying to find a start-up disk. First suggestion, if the PB is under any warranty, you should consider bring it a Apple store or dealer first. Second suggestion is to make sure you Hard-Drive is set as the boot up device. You can check that out is System Utilities. In disk utility-> does the drive info indicate any errors with the physical Drive?