Help! Quark4.11 & osx10.2.4, files not saved


To all Mac Gurus:

We have three clients using OSX 10.2.4 and running QuarkXpress 4.11 in classic mode. We are running an OSX server 10.2.4. Sometimes our documents are not being saved to the server even though we saved them for sure. We double checked the documents modified date and time and it matches.

I've heard different responses from Quark and major Printers stating that running Quark in Classic Mode is the problem. That Quark does not support Networks and it is worse in OSX.

This is what happens

1. Jim works on a document off the server in Quark
2. Saves the changes
3. Prints the document, changes are there
4. PDFS the document, changes are there
5. Close Quark, document is already saved. he does not open it again to verify the changes are made because you assume this to be true.
6. Next day, opens the same document and voila, the previous days changes never happened. The date modified is correct.
7. When someone sends a job to press, they will use the server file which did not hold the changes.
8. Does not happen on all Documents.

Any tips would be appreciated.