Help us!


We (several users of this forum) think that it is time to get a sarcasm-style Smilie. So help us and post your favourite Sarcasm smilie! Not one of these:

:), ;-) and so on

we want pics like:

:D :p :) !

Here are mine!
Those don't look like the smiley is sarcastic -- it looks like he's tongue-tied.
Originally posted by cybergoober

looks like an animated version of this: :rolleyes:

so why not just have this: :rolleyes: as the sarcasm smile? Not that I am anti-additional smileys. More smileys for everyone I say!
I prefer yellow to green.
Animated to still ;)

:rolleyes: --> signifies something other than sarcastic but cant really put my finger on it :p
Maybe if someone can make a smiley to look a little mischievous (but not too much) or something, that would probably be make a good sarcasm smiley.

I saw an angel smiley on, I think, which was really cute and would be really useful (for those times when you're mischievous, but want to make sure everyone knows you aren't ;) ), and a :deadtired: smiley would be really useful too.

Also, ANIMATE THOSE SMILIES. The roll-eyes and the :eek: smiley look so much better animated. How much more space can animated 16x16 smilies take? It sure wouldn't affect me with my broadband access. ;)
Like that evil, sarcastic grin from Anakin in the third Episode 2 trailer "Yes, my lady"...


  • smiley.gif
    406 bytes · Views: 35
That's a nice smiley, but I don't think it would be that good of a sarcastic smiley... I was thinking something along the lines of this one (this one was made by combining the smile of the smiling smiley, the wink of the winking smiley, and the eyebrows of the angry smiley in AppleWorks, so I think it could definitely be improved upon, even though the smilies are so small).


  • sarcastic smiley.jpg
    sarcastic smiley.jpg
    1.4 KB · Views: 30
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yeah, smilies are cool, if only we were allowed more images per post...

Oh, I am! (adopts Homer Simpson vioce) mmmm... subverting the system...

Bernie :eek:)
yes !! more smilies and other symbols. I want a violin for when I want to play the world's smallest one!! and a baseball bat for when i want to smash something. a picture of dennis miller for when i am ranting. a megaphone for shouting. a toilet bowl for when i type M$. a cup of coffee to...well just to have a cup of coffee.
I like the angel and devil smilies. I like the idea of animation. I like the other colors besides yellow. I want a smilie with only one eye for when I am seeing things only one way. I want one with a zipper for a mouth for when it is time for me to shut up. ;)