help with airport express


i dont have much experience with macs, but today i bought the airport express for my imac version 10.4.11.and installed the software on there with no problems with everything running and connected. im trying to get another imac version 10.3.9 to connect to the airport express, but i guess i cant get it to work since the cd wont install since its not a 10.4 or above. it there anyway around this? or do i basically have to update the software to a 10.4 or above? and where can i get the updated software if i have to, thanks
Does the Panther iMac have an inbuilt Airport card? What are the full specs of this other iMac? If it does have inbuilt AirPort, then it may not need any other software installed, but having said that, I am not 100% sure and another would need to verify this as being accurate.

If you wanted to upgrade from Panther to Tiger you'd need to source a Universal Installation or Full Retail Version of Tiger and you have to buy it from an online website such as eBay etc.

AirPort: How to Use AirPort Setup Assistant

Does the Panther Airport Setup Assistant recognise the Airport base in the Network Setup? Maybe you can connect to the network if it appears available?

I found this too:

Extend Your Wireless Network and Play Tunes with AirPort Express (4 pages)

There may be a few tips in there ... ;)

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