Help with joining network Mac to Windows


I am trying to access a network setup by my friend with windows, ive tried enabling windows file sharing and tried Go>Connect to server then typing his IP address but its not finding it, also tried Go>Network and that does nothing, any ideas?
I connect between my Mac and my office laptop (Hewlett Packard) by going into the HP and choosing "Entire Network" and typing the Mac IP address. Haven't got the HP by me at the moment so I can't check the exact details. It connects and I can see the deaktop of the Mac on the PC and transfer files. Once connected you can save the link on the HP. Then one click and you are in.
'I am trying to access a network setup by my friend with windows' - there are numerous version of 'Windows'. Are we to assume the version of your friends' PC is 'XP'? Assuming such ...

Did you, or your friend, ? ...

01. Double click on the ('Windoze') 'Desktop' based 'My Computer' icon.
02. Do a contextual click (right button, for right handed users) on the 'C', or whatever other, hard disk drive's icon - to be accessed.
03. Select the 'Sharing and Security...' menu item.
04. Click on the 'Sharing' tab.
05. Click on the 'If you understand the risk but still want to share the root of the drive, click here' hypertext link.
06. Locate the 'Network sharing and security' section, and click on the 'Share this folder on the network' and 'Allow network users to change my files' check box'es - to add a check mark to each.
07. Click the 'Apply' button.
08. Click the 'OK' button.
09. Close the 'My Computer' window.