Help with mounting/unmounting problem


I have a file server that has some external drives hanging off of it. I have mounted one of the drives on my Mac (which is using Samba in the background). The drive accidentally got turned off, which wasn't a problem on the file server, and it was removed from the desktop on my Mac. But in the finder view it shows the drive as still connected. If I try to remount the drive, it tells me I can't. If I click on the drive, it tells me it isn't there.

I went to the console and looked in the /Volumes directory. There was a directory in there for the drive. I tried to umount it, but it says it's not there.

Short of rebooting, how can I get rid of this so I can remount the server drive?

(OS 10.4.8)
Has it disconnected on it's own yet and disappeared from the Desktop? I've had this happen before, and sometimes the drives don't go away for few minutes.
Open a terminal, go to /Volumes and then delete the directory that was attributed with the mount.

ie : rmdir /Volumes/<mount_directory>
Open a terminal, go to /Volumes and then delete the directory that was attributed with the mount.

ie : rmdir /Volumes/<mount_directory>

I tried that before I posted. No luck. Something about not having rights or something which didn't make sense since I am on as me and I have rights for everything.

Anyway - I got tired of messing with it so I went to bed. I got up this morning and it had "auto-magically" reconnected itself and the icon for the drive was on my desktop. That was weird. Not sure why it wouldn't let go of it, unless it was trying to reconnect in the background and I was just messing things up!!

Thanks for the help.