Hey, Admiral, what about the norwegian? ;)


web developer
Started on learning norwegian, eh? ;)
The first thing you need to learn is that it's waay simpler than german ;)
Just ask me if you need help :)
lol :p
I hav set fortha time table of september to start learning norwegian. I will start off this january with vietnamese :)
Norwegian is indeed simpler than german. I took a look at the books I have -- tense wise it looks like english (verbs stays teh same while subject changes)

I will holler if I need help :p

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
lol :p
I hav set fortha time table of september to start learning norwegian. I will start off this january with vietnamese :)
Norwegian is indeed simpler than german. I took a look at the books I have -- tense wise it looks like english (verbs stays teh same while subject changes)

I will holler if I need help :p


Wow, ever though about being diplomat/ambassador/spy? :D :p
how about international playboy ? :p I like that better he he he
I have though about being a spy --- the putting your life in danger part though doesnt fascinate me all that much -- who knows -- one day ;-)

I speak/write or to some degree comprehend:
Greek, English, German, French, spanish (did some on my own, need practice though), italian, russian (studying now).

I want to learn the following:
vietnamese, chinese (mandarin), japanese, norwegian (perhaps by assosiation swedish), dutch, polish, finnish and perhaps arabic (hebrew I am thinking about) :p

maybe it's overkill -- but think of the possibilities he he :)

he he I know :p
Three languages are closely related :p
When I am in greece they have products in several languages as descriptions on the back (products like mousse, shampoo, toothpaste and so on) -- and they have norwegia, swedish and danish as NO/SE/DA (I think)

when words are different for one language they do this:

"word in one language/same word in another"

so similar ;-)

I am going to do korean in a few years :p It's on there, after a loooong list ;)

Korean has letters ?! IN that case it might superseed chinese and japanese :p

I am now in the process of learning vietnamese. I made a bet with this girl a few weeks back that I could learn the language by this coming december :p (The stupid things men do when speaking to girls eh ? ;) -- she happens to be vietnamese :p)

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I am going to do korean in a few years :p It's on there, after a loooong list ;)

Korean has letters ?! IN that case it might superseed chinese and japanese :p

I am now in the process of learning vietnamese. I made a bet with this girl a few weeks back that I could learn the language by this coming december :p (The stupid things men do when speaking to girls eh ? ;) -- she happens to be vietnamese :p)


OK something got buggered, guess I'll have to type my entire reply again :mad:
Let's try this again shall we?

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I am going to do korean in a few years :p It's on there, after a loooong list ;)

Korean has letters ?! IN that case it might superseed chinese and japanese

Yes, but not in the same sense as our letters, although I think that they are called that.
Korean is supposed to be the easiest Asian language to learn I think. The alphabet is called HanGul, which I think means learn in one day or something like that.:D

Here's an example of some letters(my friend's name):

I am now in the process of learning vietnamese. I made a bet with this girl a few weeks back that I could learn the language by this coming december :p (The stupid things men do when speaking to girls eh ? ;) -- she happens to be vietnamese :p)


Did I mention that my friend is also a girl? ;)
Hmmm kinda remids me of japanese in that aspect. Japanese Katakana and Hiragana are like letters in a sense.
for example
ka -ta - ka -na
is four letters (the first and teh third are the same letter since they sound teh same).

Vietnamese (at least modern day viet) uses an extended roman alphabet - pronounciation is a b** though :p -- good thing I have 4 co-workers (excluding the person I made the bet with:p) to help me out. I will win this bet ;)

as I said before...the stupid things men do when interacting with women :p

You're right, Japanese does sound similar.

In Korean, 2 or 3 letters are grouped into Syllables, and the syllables form words.

Knowing people who speak the language definately helps a lot.:p