Hi there!


Just became a member.
Dutch as one can see in the profile, so partly European but with an American past.
Mac-devotee from the past and still believes in the faith despite that it is somewhat pre-historic if you look how things changed.
Visited Keynotes since 1996 and became hooked on the Mac when i bought my first Macintosh in 1984 with all the add-ware we had then like the Macintosh printer.On the Keynote part: I was there when then iCEO 'good old' Stevie 'informed' us about the alliance with " you know who ".
Despite that " you know who " makes fine applications for our so beloved Mac, i still keep my Mac 'clean' from any " you know who " application when it comes to the forefront.(the other desktop has a complete "you know who" based sight when you use FUS)
Yes i have also some intel-based machines with " you know who " OS on it but that is just to play some of my beloved RTS games wich haven't yet been released on the Mac.
Love to travel, have open and free discussions about politic's,Mac!,food and anything else what is actual nowadays.
Have a dislike for those who demonise those who speak their mind.I have a rule that evertything much be said cause the spoken word is a basic right and must be heard EVEN if you dislike it cause silence portraits death of the spoken word wich mankind treasures so much since centuries and has fought for dearly.

So i hope i didn't offend anyone cause so many minds on a forum always gives a forum 'face' and livelyness instead of beeing all of the same.
Welcome! Pull up a seat and have yourself a good time, either asking questions or answering them.

I'm afraid, by the way, that I "don't know who" you're referring to. ;) LOL...
Ah yes... *Casts level 3 healing on Mark's arm, breaks his left pinky toe instead*

Sorry... I gotta do something! :D
mmmmmm I'm here to pleasure only the females!::angel:: Seriously I want everybody to enjoy my cooking.*snaps Arden's headphones*or are they earmuffs?
Hey! thanks guys for the warm welcome wich is a great difference compared to certain dutch Mac fansites were it seems censorship/dictatorship and all of those we will decide what is good for you " attitude has the upperhand.
American individualism and the right to be a person with his or her own opinion at it's best inhere. right? *applause* :D
Anyhow, now that some fo you have read my idea's on where i came from, i will introduce some of my stuff i have at home and i use.

17 inch PB | 20 inch screen+2 GHZ G5 | 12 inch PB

for the RTS games& recording capabilities of TV programms.

Oh! and someone was mentioning food? I love great deeeeelicious food specially asian is my favouriet besides beef&alcohol.
How about we make a thread as title: "What was your beef Today? "
Nice pic's of what you had during the day as breakfast/lunch/snack/dinner/or even late.. late-nite snack.
Lemme hear your thoughts on that.


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Sounds like a great thread idea for the Cafe', cigar ;)

Wow. .. nice macs. You like Nemo I assume .. as I see two niiiice desktops with Bruce (the shark).
Welcome cigar

You have too many toys over there :)

Please send a couple of those items to the macosx mods relief fund :)
Mark: Those are earmuffs.

Cigar: No, there's censorship and dictatorship here, too, just not on the level that you're probably used to. And I know this firsthand. ;)

Gia: I'm guessing the Cinema Display is a mirror of the Powerbook.
Hmmmm, stupid question, but you sure you got a 17inch pb there, cigar? It looks more like the 15inch powerbook, since the 17inch one has two of those lid hooks and the one on your pic just shows one..
Welcome, sure you will enjoy this friendly and helpful board :) . Out of interest, what persuaded you to but two different powerbooks?