Ho hum... Baby Windows is sick again.



The attachment is called "Update279.exe."

The saddening thing is, most people would open this. :eek: Looks like I'll be setting up a new message filtering rule.

EDIT Wow, some of the people I linked to this didn't even catch on. It's a virus, you ninnies. :D
yeah, even some half intelligent folks may fall for this one. course my office was already sending a company wide email today to tell people to do the windows update and NOT to dowload and run any "windows security updates"

course my powerbook just keeps humming along, just fine!
You can start being suspicious because of minor spelling and puctuation mistakes ... can anybody please tell me what the name of this virus is?
As a general rule, NEVER open attatchments unless you've requested the file and know what's in it...

Even Windows would be more secore if users weren't so gullible...
you would think that they would warn yuo in big red bold lettes "This May be a Virus don't Open Atachments From People You Don't know!!"