Horizontal or Vertical Layout

Which layout do you use?

  • I prefer the new Horizontal layout.

  • I have gone back to the Vertical layout.

  • You can change?! Hot stuff, I'll do that now.

  • I don't really care, just use the default.

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I just noticed a switch in the User CP to choose between the Horizontal (new style) and Vertical (old style) layout of the user info - avatar location and post count. I think I'll switch mine back because I never liked the new style (supposedly better for Handhelds etc.).

But I was wondering how many users like the Vertical and how many the Horizontal?
i couldn't stand the horizontal style, it's very visually confusing, from an interface/graphics point of view. the eyes have to work twice as hard reading those pages in horizontal as they try to determine between the actual post and just the user details. i have it on vertical.
I found the horizontal layout a lot less easy on the eye. Perhaps I needed longer to get used to it, but as soon as the option arose to switch back to the vertical layout, I switched immediately and have kept it this way.
I like the thinner design, but I found the horizontal was really hard to read.

The only time horizontal layouts work for this sort of thing is when it is really really simple and stripped down, like comments at the bottom of a blog or something. When you add avatars, Google Ads, headlines, date/time, buttons etc. it gets really difficult to find what you're trying to read.
I've only just found this thread – that'll teach me to check more of the posts on this forum! When did this additional functionality happen? I've been cursing the horizontal layout ever since its inception…

Reverted to the vertical…
I think it's been there ever since the redesign. Or maybe Scott added it a couple days later. I switched immediately back then.