host file help for newbie mac user


hi all

i have just got my first mac and am really enjouing it, have always had PCs on my home network and have come up against a problem that i need help with

on my PC i had to make an entry in the host file that basicly pointed my domain at my local server I.E

which meant i could see pics that i post on other forums that are hosted on my own web server and it also means i can see my own web site without having to substitute my domain name for an ip address

can anyone please tel me how to acheve the same recults using os x, i have read quite a bit about it and im very confused, as i said this is my first introduction into the world of mac and i really do like it but i need to find out how to get around this problem

thanks in advance

To edit your hosts file:

- Go to Application/Utilities and open the program called "Terminal"
- Type sudo pico /etc/hosts
- Add the entry
- Press Ctrl-X to exit
- You'll be prompted "Save modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ?", answer "Y" for "Yes"