Hotmail in "Mail" ?


Can I retrieve email from a hotmail account in Mail? On I cannot find anz indications on how to do it, but maybe someone of you knows more. Thanks. Flo
Sorry; mail doesn't support hotmail. Probably 'cause it's from M$:p

But yeah, I even switched to another email just to be able to use Mail.
I suggest you do it too, it's way easier than going to, and you loose all the junk mail you're probably getting.
Hotmail don't support POP3 or IMAP systems any more(they used to), and now you'll need MS software to read Hotmail...
The minute I found out this I stopped using my Hotmail
I use Hotmail for what it's meant to be used : junk mailing. They should have named it :D
Thanks all of you. I´m not using Hotmail myself and I had a notion MS was doing this propriatory format thing. A rather computerilliterate friend is already ratehr used to it and I htought there might be a clever workaround, so he could stick with his adress. But an "Impossible!" might convince him to adapt...
Heard something about an app called "mail forward", that is supposed to do what you want (connecting yr hotmail account with mail). check it up and see if it works!

That's "normal": either you read Hotmail advertisment and Bill G get paid for that, or you use Entourage and Bill G get paid for that.

This is named freesoftware: you are free.... not to use it.