How can get netwerk between macosx en windows 98


Is there anybody who can help me STAP by STAP to tell me the setting for both machines to get a netwerk between macosx panther and windows 98

The situation is now that I can get on internet with both machies at the same time, they have there own computer names with a hub between connect this machines with the internet

What I whant is to to get the download files by windows machine in to my mac

Thanks for all you reaktion's
This works on my XP machine, can't say it works okay with 98, but give it a go (this will allow the 98 machine to see the OS X machine). Firstly...

1. Within OS X, go to System Preferences control panel
2. Select the Sharing icon
3. You'll notice a list of network services your Mac system can run. Select the Windows Sharing option and click the Start button to the right.
4. You'll notice an address below the list, this is the address your PC will need to connect to.
5. Try out your 98 box to see if it sees the Mac.

Since I don't have 98, I can't tell what to do on that machine. All I can tell you is that I think the user-name on both machines need to be the same.

Maybe someone can take-over from here (if you still can't get it to work).
Thanks for your reaktion
Can you please tell what the setting are by XP than I will get XP on my windows machine
Hmmm... well, as long as your PC is on the same network as the Mac (i.e. they have similar IP numbers such as & (or whatever)), then in XP you need to:

1. Open My Network Places (normally in the Start Menu)
2. Click on Add a Network Place
3. Press Next
4. Press Next again (don't you love Windows ;) )
5. Now, you can either browse for the OS X machine (via the drop-down menu or browse button), or, try and type the address of the OS X machine (usually the IP number, followed by the user or directory). Remember, within Windows, directories are separated by the \ character (as opposed to the / character). Therefore, your share on the OS X machine would look something like:


... the word share would be the directory on the OS X machine that is available (if you haven't messed about with SMB (the Unix add-on which is within OS X to connect to Windows machines) this would normally be your Home Directory).

Another thing you could do, which may work easier, is to try to connect to the PC via the Mac. As long as one of your folders or directories is configured to be shared within Windows, then select Command-K from the OS X desktop and type in your PC's details.