How clear this is ?

While it is a very attractive design and layout, its very hard to work out what the page is meant to be about. If you put in some sort of title at the top, or a slogan that explains what the information is, then it should be about right.
I like it, the overall design is simple and clean. Very fashionable in 2003. Only issue i see is the size of the text, really needs to be vamped up a bit if i do say so myself.

Good job!
Text has been vamped up to 11pt and titles to 13pt. I've also added a few titles to the thing (not really page titles, 'cause I had no idea what to get there !).

EDIT: changes are online.
More changes:

- All images are in preload mode (faster on most browsers). My average page takes less than 10 seconds to load, according to GoLive.

- I need advice about, which is the French embassy of . :D The French embassy merges my own site style and the site style.