How do I delete all data for a specfic app?


Here is my situation, and I realize that I am to blame for the circumstances...

I wanted to spend some time demo-ing a piece of software, but this demo was so restrictive that I could not get a feel for the app.

So, I 'obtained' this software in a less-than-legal manner, demo-ed it until I was satisfied, and now I have purchased a legitimate copy.

I have eradicated every file that should be associated with this illegal application (the plist, the app and everything in its folder, checking Sherlock to see if any other files that would be associated with it are trashed).

I then emptied the trash and restarted. After installing, I noticed that the routine did not ask for my serial # (having put in a fake one when installing the illegal app). Of course I want to get rid of the prefs file, or whatever file it is, that is holding that information so that I can properly register and install the real software.

I realize that I may have to wipe the OS clean (which is not a big deal since 10.2 is coming soon), but I'd rather be up and running now. Any suggestions as to how to get rid of the fake serial #?

P.S. - Kids, don't try this at home...I've learned my lesson so save yourselves the hassle. I just wish demos were a little more forgiving.
You'll want to search the /Library and ~/Library (user library) folders for any files or folders that contain either application name (for example "Office") or the publisher's name ("Microsoft"). The application directory, of course, has to go. You may want to hunt around unix-style and list dot-hidden files as well, but thats up to you and depends on your abilities.

I did the same thing once, when I needed PowerPoint for a project (I hate powerpoint, I think it makes you look like a gadget-geek, but they make us use it) and had already used up the demo. I ordered office, but it would be a week before I could get it, so I DL'd an illegal one (hey, I've put my money down, grrr ...)

If you're lucky, you'll find the offending file and be on your way. If not, you'll just have to d a clean install.

Thanks for the suggestion.

The problem is that though I was pretty adept at maneuvering around OS 6-9, I have no clue what I'd doing in OS X.

Any hints as to how I might find the hidden file that is creating the problem? You mentioned listing them in Unix. If there is an easy way to do this, could you tell me how?

Does deleting the application directory require more than just tossing the folder that the app is in?

Sorry for the novice questions. I think I should take a course or two on this OS.
Well, hidden files have been around since the dark ages of Mac OS. The difference is how they're made invisible. In previous Mac OS versions, there was a flag that you could check in ResEdit or a similar app to make a file invisible. In Mac OS X (thanks to its UNIX underbelly), hidden files have a period at the beginning of their name. If you type "ls -a" into the Terminal (without quotes), it will show all of the files in the directory, including hidden ones. Also, if you log in as root, you see can see hidden files in the Finder. I believe there's a way to do this without logging in as root, but I'm not sure. Anywho, hope this helps.
So there is no way to remove a program as easily as it was to do with add/remove programs in windows?
