How do I dump my iMac's files onto my Vista? URGENT


The Lone Deranger
My Mac's HD is having serious problems and I'm taking it in tomorrow. It decided to start up today so I'm taking advantage of the opportunity by dumping all my important Mac files on my Vista for storage.

Both computers go through a router to access the internet; the Vista uses ethernet while the Mac uses Airport. I've already turned File Sharing on from the System Preferences item called "Sharing", but when I go to find and click "Network", the mac can't find the Vista computer. And the when I click "Network" on the Vista, it can't find the mac.

Quick help is appreciated since I don't know when my mac will die out again.
I always have trouble doing this. The settings seem to change from time to time. I do it to save some work files (Windows) to my Mac when I'm at home. When I've done it, I've used the IP number of the Mac and searched for it on the Windows machine as a drive. Sometimes it works but more often doesn't.

Other times I've managed to set up a Network using the item in the drop down menu of the Mac Airport icon at the top of the screen.

Now I don't bother with the network, I copy between the two computers using a USB Memory stick.
yea that'd save a lot of trouble. I just had the vista set to public then right clicked Finder and pressed Connect to server. I typed SMB://(ip of vista on the router)/ without the brackets. Problem solved now