How do I find my Mac on the network from my PC?


I'm awesome...seriously..
I can see all the PC's on the network from my PC but how do I find my Mac on the network from my PC?
LAN is a generic term, be a bit more specific. Is there a Hub, Switch, or Router in there.

XP...home or pro?

What's OS is your Mac running?

What workgroup are the PCs setup on?

Is firewall software is being used? Is there a trusted zone setup? Is the stock Windows Firewall enabled? (If so, disable and put a copy of ZoneAlarm or similar on.)

What happens if you click on network neighborhood and select the "Entire Microsoft Network" option? Is there more than one workgroup present there?

Can the mac see the PCs? Can it connect to them?
I'm running OSX 10.3.8 and WinXP Pro.

My computers run into a generic no-name brand switch and then that swtich runs to the wall. I live in a wherever the wall goes from there is unkown to me.

Since I'm on a network with literally thousands of other people at my university, everybody seems to have set their own workgroup on their PC. Mine is set to MSHOME.

I only have the stock windows firewall and have tried it both enabled and disabled with no luck.

The mac can see all the PC's on the network, but can't connect.
When you try and connect from the mac, does it refuse the connection or does it attempt to log in at all?

Most likely a vast majority of those PCs have guest-access turned off, which is a REALLY GOOD IDEA security wise. Unfortunately, you need an account to log in unless they've specifically shared a folder to you. See:

On your machines, are the UserNames and Passwords the same? If not, try doing so and see if that helps any with those.