How do I fix a "Systems Error"?


My iMac has OS 9 (or 9.1) and this morning I tried to print out an e-mail (I use Outlook Express) a message that my printer was Not connected to the computer .... which it Was. Then I tried again and got a "systems error" and "restart" message.....on the blue screen.
The computer would not "restart"....and the only way I could get it to turn on again was by unplugging and replugging it into the surge protector strip.
It seemed to restart, but after start-up window, I got the "Systems Error" message again.
I finally gave hoping I did not lose all my files.
Could anyone explain what happened and possibly tell me how to fix it myself.
I am not super computer-literate but follow directions well.

Please help!

Hi Lannetteshort

Is your Imac tray loading?, slot loading? asnow? LCD? can you give the specs?

I take it from you post the mac boots?

On startup hold down the Apple+Alt+p+r, this resets the PRAM, let the mac chime three times. then let it boot. see what happens, if it fails reboot the mac holding down the Apple+Alt+o+f untill a wite screen appears type in the following

reset -all (this resets the firmware orf the mac)

then Type

Mac -boot

the mac should now boot.

If it still fails, reboot the Mac holding the shift key down, this should allow you to turn off extensions ( base) try boot in then.

If this fails you will need to find the OS9 disc and boot the mac form it by putting the cd in the cd rom and holding down the c key then power on, this should boot the mac, if you get to the desktop look for a folder on utils (cd) open and run disk first aid, run the app a few times. then reboot. (a lot rebooting a?)

post back with how far you got.