How do I keep hidden DOS files hidden?


I am distributing a Flash presentation to people on a USB flash drive. On MS-DOS, I can hide the files I want using ATTRIB +H. When I load the presentation onto OS9, all the hidden files remain hidden. When I load it onto OSX, They become visible, and two more files appear, .trashes and .ds_store.

My question is, how do I prevent the users becoming confused by seeing lots of support files they don't need to see, and how do I prevent these .files being written to the device?

The USB flash drive is MS-DOS formatted for cross systems compatibility. I need the presentation to work with OS9, OSX and Windows.

All solutions greatly appreciated
Have you tried calling your DOS files
(prefixing the name with a dot)
That should make them hidden on a UNIX like system (such as OS X). And with the ATTRIB +H it will be hidden on DOS/Win systems.

Haven't tried this myself - its just speculation.

Oh - and the .trashes and .ds_store have been the bane of mac users for a while with no end in sight :( Sorry.
There is a tool available with the Developers tool called "setFile" I think, where you can give it a -V or -v or similar argument. Unfortunately I don't work with OS X at work so can't be sure till I get home.