How do I remove Airport comp-to-comp network?


Hi all. Using the airport icon on the menu bar, I created a computer-to-computer network for my PBG4 running 10.3.3. Now, I want to remove/delete/scrap that network. How can I accomplish this? (Side note: Hopefully, this isn't too dumb a question--the Help topics had tons of info on setting one up, but nada about deleting a network once it's been created.)

Thanks in advance!
If you mean you have a folder or disk icon (mounted) on your desktop, you can eject that (including like we used to do on OS 9 - drag it to the trash).
Does that help?
You mean you want to delete a "location" in the network preferences?
Open System Preferences -> Network -> Location: "Edit Locations...". Now choose your airport location and simply press delete.
And welcome to the forum :)
It will disappear automatically when both computers exit the network, i.e. turning AirPort off or entering another network.