How do I setup Pine?


I downloaded the latest vervion of Pine for OS 10.2, and thought it would be easy to set it up, but I found out I cannot get pine to read my mailbox.

I read all the info and the man, but nothing non of my settings seem to work (exept sending emails)

I'm in a corporation with an IMAP server, everything work with but through Pine... nop!

Is there someone out there that could help? thx.
Ditto for me. I'm running pine on my iMac, and it set up nicely, and sends mail like a champ, but I am not receiving, at all. I've read through the material, but am having no luck in configuring it to receive mail.
What I did for a while (back around 10.1.3-10.1.5 era, so the was a different version; exercise caution) was this - certainly a bit of a hack, but it worked alright.

To get mail off the server, I used fetchmail (see man fetchmail), and put the server settings in my ~/.fetchmailrc file. Then I removed the automatically created mbox files from pine's ~/mail folder, and replaced them with symlinks to the mbox files that set up (somewhere in ~/Library/Mail/Accounts I think)

Then any mail I saved or sent in pine would show up in The only downside to this was that if pine modified the mbox files, for some reason thought all the messages were new, and told me I had some thousand unread messages...