How do people have jaguar? (10.2)


Yeah, Androo.
All these people keep posting screenshots of jaguar, talk about it on this forum, and stuff like that. How do people get it? I REALLY want it badly. It might even fix my problem with classic! If someone could tell me, that would be kool.
either illegally or they are apple beta testers. for the beta testing, talk to ed. he has the url for the site
Does that mean that ANYONE can do a beta test? I want to! I'd send feedback and stuff to apple everyday! I wanna see what jaguar is like!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you mean Ed Spruiell (sorry if i spelt his name wrong)??????
He has the link? awesome!
Now now, don't get all hysterical for nothing there, not anyone can become a beta tester. First of, they'll let people test betas if you meet the system requirements. If you have them, you might be able to get nominated to come in the select group. But it's unlikely. Do you know how many hundreds of people want to get a glimp of what Jaguar is like? A lot, I can tell you that. Besides, if everything would go right for you, you'd probably be a beta tester by the time Jaguar is released to the public.
technically most of the people here aren't beta testers, they downloaded it illegally through various sources which shall remain nameless.
I didn't say t to discourage you or anything, just to prepare you of a let-down. Anyway, maybe you'll be to late to be one of the select to use Jaguar while others can't, but there will be other stuff to test. You can be sure of that. Think iTunes 3 :D
Originally posted by RPS
They are official beta testers.

macosXrumors for one is certainly not a beta tester. They obviously have obtained "Jaguar" illegally to be able to post information and screenshots.

Beta testers have to sign a non-disclosure agreement in ink. If you leak information about the product you're testing, like macosXrumors does, Apple would be on their ass like white on rice. Since they are doing it illegally and anonymous ly, Apple doesn't bother. For some reason, they seem to like all the "Jaguar" hype they can get.

The truth is a majority of the users that run "Jaguar" on this website have obtained it illegally. It's quite simple to obtain.

When Microsoft beta tests software, you can actually just purchase the OS beta for around $20 and they will send you it on CD and any updates up until the gold master.

Microsoft makes their betas so after they expire, you can't install Microsoft updates making the OS pretty useless. Also, in time, new 3rd party software released wont even work with it.

As cool as the betas look, they are buggy and an overall headache to run. Speaking from experience, it's hardly worth it unless you have extra hardware you don't mind trashing.
Originally posted by azosx
When Microsoft beta tests software, you can actually just purchase the OS beta for around $20 and they will send you it on CD and any updates up until the gold master.
Yep! I paid $10 for Windows XP Release Candidate 1 and 2... and I bought 2 of them so I could test on my laptop and on my desktop... I got my RC1 on July 4 (how do I remember? it's so easy! look at the day!) and RC2 sometime in August

It was cool because I had legal copies of a new OS before ANYONE else did around me... they were in envy... :-)