how do you customise the Finder Window Toolbar


I'm 1/4 Basque you know?...
I've customised most of the icons that I want to. But there are few that evade me. The icon for Computer in the task bar/tool bar it's an Indigo DV iMac, but i want to make it a QuickSilver. Any ideas? Also the Trash icons.

On another note whats the terminal command to remove a folder, and don't worry, i really DO want to delete it, I know that i can spawn daemons with the Terminal app or start a nuclear war.

Thanks for any input.
As far as I know, you have to edit the HIToolbox.rsrc file that is hidden really far down somewhere in the system resources. Most theme apps change this file so that you have new icons. I'm sure it's been mentioned in the forums -- just dig around.

The terminal command for removing an empty directory is rmdir. The command for removing a full directory is rm -R. Remember that you might have to use "sudo" before the command.
Welcome to Darwin!
[localhost:~] dricci% locate HIToolbox.rsrc

Good luck!