How do you store your photo's?


Hey guys,

I just got my hands on Graphic Converter, and need to start cleaning up my, 600K per picture photo collection... my 20 gig iBook just can't handle all that extra data nymore.

I plan to burn the full sized images to CD for safe keeping, and to make the ones on my comp smaller to show people when im out and about.

I am looking for recommendations on what size I should start saving my local pictures in... Does anyone have a method that they currently use and really like? Please share!

I know that this is a really opinionated question... but I do want to hear what everyone is doing.

This all depends on what you are going to do with your pictures...

If you are thinking of printing them later, then you'll want to keep the big ones easily accessable. (Print from the max resolution you can.) If you are simply posting them to the Web (like me), then you can burry the orgiginals away somewhere. (For the Web I crop first and then save as 640x480... and occasionally have an 800x600 or a wide panorama. My web thumbnails are about 160x120)

Oh... if you only care about the picture then don't save it with icon thubmnails as that can quickly add to file size. This can be turned on/off in Photoshop, but I'm not sure about Graphics Converter...

Basically I've opted to get a HUGE external hard drive and keep BOTH the originals and the smaller Web-ready ones. So basically I keep my originals on my internal drive and full backup copies on the external.

If you are going to burn CD's you should consider keeping the big/small ones together for easy access. Treat each CD as several "rolls of film" where they are pictures from a specific time period.
Thanks for the advice! I never print of my pictures actually, I usually just email them to people, or display them in a slide show on my comp. I think I'll try 800x600 to see what kinda filesize that gets me.

I normally don't need thumbnails at all, I can make those when necessary.

Thanks for the tip man. I -really- should get an external HD... anyone have any advice on a brand they swear by?
i store them normally as big as i get them, say 1500x2000. but i dont keep all of them on the current mac.
If you just want them for slide-shows or emailing, then I'd just store them at the resolution of your screen, as then they'll be ideal for a full-screen slide show.

This would probably leave them still at 1025x768 minimum though - which could still be too big.

Why not just take the CDs with you when you want to put on a slide show?