How do you think different?


I know there is many people here that use their mac for web-design, photoshop-stuff, animation, writing, sound mixing/compositioning, 3d-design and other creative stuff. So when you are going to make something, what is your favourite inspiration source? Someone gets ideas when they work out, somone when they drives and some people gets ideas on the toilet. My favourite inspiration is simply listening to music. What do you others do?:cool: :confused:
I get inspiration from women :p
Pretty much all my music mixes are inspired from experiences I have had with different women at the time I mix.

Web creation on the other hand is an erratic thing, I get inspired divinelly since I dont even know where I get inspiration from ;)

I get all my inspiration from events that are happening in my life. Generally my music is either self-reflective, about my thinking about major events in my life (such as the World Trade Center disaster, which many of you know affected me personally in many ways); externally-reflective, where I sort of just muse about thoughts going on in my head and try to make a song about them; and sometimes they're about girls I know (although that would probably come as a shock to most people who hear my music, as it certainly doesn't SEEM like it would). Sometimes they're just ways I express what I can't put in words. My music has always been my outlet to the world, so I find inspiration in nearly anything. A lot of times, though, I sit down and make up a song and I just sort of instinctively hit THAT note, and move down to THAT note, and touch THAT note because in the back of my mind I somehow "know" what I want to do without even consciously thinking about it.

When it comes to video effects, I usually have an idea inspired by my dreams or something I've seen in real life... and when it comes to 3D renderings in Bryce, I tend to start out just randomly doing stuff, and building up an idea from there of what it is I actually want to do.
Originally posted by Bluefusion
I get all my inspiration from events that are happening in my life. Generally my music is either self-reflective, about my thinking about major events in my life (such as the World Trade Center disaster, which many of you know affected me personally in many ways); externally-reflective, where I sort of just muse about thoughts going on in my head and try to make a song about them; and sometimes they're about girls I know (although that would probably come as a shock to most people who hear my music, as it certainly doesn't SEEM like it would). Sometimes they're just ways I express what I can't put in words. My music has always been my outlet to the world, so I find inspiration in nearly anything. A lot of times, though, I sit down and make up a song and I just sort of instinctively hit THAT note, and move down to THAT note, and touch THAT note because in the back of my mind I somehow "know" what I want to do without even consciously thinking about it.

What kind of music do you produce?
Well, I started out doing sort of poppy electronica (you can check out my CD at but I'm moving much more into a sort of classical-electronic style (if you know of Mars Lasar, Enigma, Delirium, etc. it attempts to sound somewhat like that)... mostly, I'm now trying to branch out more into a sort of darker, slower electronic sound that isn't as technoish as most stuff. My main inspiration is Enigma...
Books. Books. Books. Especially philosophy, science and a wide range of fiction. But then, my main creative outlet is writing (usually fantasy), though I am struggling to design a graphic novel at the moment involving a love story between a human and a little green alien (recently widowed), a biological war and a psychic-breeding-program.
Nobody can tell me I don't think different!

If I am stuck on something, I will usually go outside and find a quiet place, and try not to think about it. If you tell your brain not to think about solving a problem, your brain will just go and solve it to annoy you!

It is vital to get out into the real world or you lose your imagination.
Originally posted by Bluefusion
Well, I started out doing sort of poppy electronica (you can check out my CD at but I'm moving much more into a sort of classical-electronic style (if you know of Mars Lasar, Enigma, Delirium, etc. it attempts to sound somewhat like that)... mostly, I'm now trying to branch out more into a sort of darker, slower electronic sound that isn't as technoish as most stuff. My main inspiration is Enigma...

Cool, I like that kind of music:) I've heard about both Delerium and Enigma before. I like darktrance and Goliath music the most but I also like much different types of progressive trance and usual euro-trance and dance.
the inspiration for the art work on my website comes from a lot of things - but i usually use it as a coping method of sorts. not so much any more, but the whole thing started out as a way of dealing with depression, back in the day when i was dealing with that. now, it's boredom :)
Originally posted by julguribye

Cool, I like that kind of music:) I've heard about both Delerium and Enigma before. I like darktrance and Goliath music the most but I also like much different types of progressive trance and usual euro-trance and dance.

i think it's gothic, goliath is that guy that died cuz some kid hit him on the head with a rock.