how does this look so far and...

Ack! What resolution are you at? 600x400? The widescreen would look a lot better if I actually got to see a lot more of the screen and less of the grey blocks. :)

But other than that it's cool! I really want to see that video... :) Nice job!
I like the grey blocks. (the grey frames on the top and bottom).

Now I am just waiting for some content.
I think the middle/main frame should be taller, at least to the hight of the picture. You usually want to show the main graphic in "one page".
I feel as though the blocks are too large...they cover up too much of where the content should be. It shoots a lot down.
advice: design everything to fit a 800 X 600 window... It can have tables that are set to 100% or what ever, but remember, some of the internet users are using older machines... or just dont like the higher resolutions yet...

Dont think because I do it, they all do it, or because one OS/Browser looks okay, that hey all look okay.
Just a personal thing in here to agree with Alex: I'm stuck at 800x600 on my iBook. It really stinks, but I have to live with it. :)
I was working on it with the tables and I like that but I still want the middle section to be able to scrool across how can I do that?
Originally posted by BuddahBobb
iframes is one possibility i suppose

iFrames are great. too bad they dont work in all browsers. benp, if this was my site. I would keep the large grey area. I think it looks great.
I agree with Nummi,

I like what you have... looks killer on my TiBook which has a wider display.

I think it woul also look very nice on lower resolution monitors.

My only change might be to make sure the middle frame does NOT have vertical scroll bars. (which it does on my screen.

Looks like you have the middle frame set to a % of the open window... which I think is a mistake. You should set it to a fixed number and the top and lower frames should be a %.

But, again, I really like the horizontal look. Very removed from the traditional "page layout" look that is done all too much on the web today.
Originally posted by BuddahBobb
if your browser doesnt support iframes you dont belong on the internet ;)

I kind of agree with that comment. The only browser I can think of that does not support the iFrame tag is... thats right, you guessed it. OmniWeb. Cmon omnigroup, even the browsers I use in Yellow Dog Linux suport the iFrame.