How Does This Look?


Yeah, Androo.
I am updating my website so its faster, and easier to change if i ever want to. I made a new header, and i adjusted the web content colors.

now the question is, what do you think!?

Exactly, frames are god ugly - I can't even see your markup! But it's a nice looking site - sometimes I think the colors are a little off, but that's just my opinion. The table on your welcome page was very hard to read, the table border runs into the letters and the white on black is just too small for me to read easily... Mabye it's just the angle of the sun relitave to my computer though.
yea i am going to redesign the site, so that there's no frames... i noticed the garage thing too! The colors my need adjustment.... perhaps grey background, black text?
the header will be in a little table at the top, and i dont kno where to put the links... perhaps u can tell me once i fix up the site.
Header -- navigation
Big left column -- content
Narrow right column -- links
+ white background, black text
(keep it easy to read for all users)