How EXACTLY does "All Windows" work?


How EXACTLY does setting "All Windows" in the Finder View Options work?

It seems that I set it to "All Windows" then make the settings changes I want (i.e. 36x36 icons, arrange by name, show icon preview, etc.) then close the settings box, then when I double-click on Macintosh HD or an alias to another folder somewhere on the HD it doesn't have the settings I set "All Windows." THEN, if I start to tunnel down to other folders below, each of them might look different.

It seems to me that this is how it works:

1. The "All Windows" settings are a generic set of window settings that can be applied to any folder's view settings.

2. If I am in any particular folder and I open the view settings, then choose "All Windows" then those generic settings I set in 1. above are applied to my new folder. If I leave it set to "This window only" then it will always have its own individual settings.

What I would like to be able to do is something that can be done very simply in Windows. I want to open Finder, configure the window the way I like (the size of the window, the size of the icons, the background color, the snap to grid option, the arrange by name option, etc.) and somehow tell Finder that THIS is how I want to view EVERY folder I open in Finder. Then I want to close that Finder window, then open another one. The new window will then have all the settings I set for the first one.

Is this possible? Or am I doomed to configuring EVERY single folder I open to the way I want to see it?

I've even gone so far as to delete all the .DS_Store files in my personal directory (and under it) and to set the "All Windows" options the way I want them. Of course, each window I open looks different until I set the "All Windows" option for that particular folder or to set new settings for that folder and choose "This window only."

Please help.

Hear! Hear! Or is it Here? Here? =)

I won't confuse matters by throwing in what I think it means, because I don't know for certain--only what I've inferred from behaviors such as what you describe.

I do wish it was a bit more straightforward. I mean, is it all windows or isn't it?

well i am having the same problem. Has anyone found a solution. Although for me it is somewhat intermitant [mispell].
When I set the option for All windows at the top most level where you see your volumes i open lets say one volume [i have multiple partitions] and it takes, but then i go to let's say the app folder and wallah all settings gone and everytihng is not lined up how i want.

This; although semmingly small, is a REAL pain.
yeah, as MacLuv said, it should really read "DEFAULT SETTING", but that really doesn't do a good job at explaining what it does, either.
set your window preferences in 'All Windows' that you want to use most often. then, when you want a specific window to use that setting, open its little view->options window and then click the 'All Windows' button to get that window to use the settings you specified.

... not very intuitive at all.
hey that would be bad a?s if you can make a script like that. You know if your into scripting it may not take that long to figure out whether it can be done the way you want it or not.... by the way if you get it up; hope you don't mind sharing that script.....

you always read books about scripting and languages and stuff and most examples are crappy, here is one solution that i wish i could have read at some point..... anyway i have been wanting to ge tinto scripting so i may just read up on apple script; which gets me out of babbling....

...does anyone know a good book on applescript? preferably one that is newer and geared to osx...