How fast is iMac 17"?


I'm struggling between buying the 17" iMac or the DP 867 for home. The only thing holding me back on the iMac is the speed. It sure would be nice to have that extra processor as I will be using it as a second work machine. Here's my thoughts:

iMac 17" PROS
Cool as hell
quiet as hell
flat panel included

iMac 17" CONS
potentially half as fast as DP 867
no SCSI (not a huge deal, but I do have one reason to want it)
not really expandable (mostly an issue for better graphics card)

faster than iMac 17"

rumor says it's pretty noisy. I HATE noise.
big and blocky and doesn't come with monitor (though at same price as iMac 17" that could be resolved)

OK, I guess what I'm looking for is some feedback on if users think their iMac 17" is fast enough for things like games, rendering and otherwise. I really want the iMac, but if it's not going to be able to keep up with the forthcoming Neverwinter Nights and other games, that's going to tick me off.
It all depends on what kind of apps you are going to run on it, alone Dual Processors don't do much in terms of speed. Web browsing, chatting, gaming and such won't really be improved because of dual processing to a noticable extent. Now if you are using photoshop or 3d programs like maya, or lightwave...etc....then I would go for a DP machine. I guess it's all in how you use your machine :)
Tough call...but I'd say you would want the iMac.

The new "wind tunnel" desktops ae not twice the speed of the iMac, not even. In fact the 867 is probably only has 50% more processing power than the iMac. True they are more expandable, but more or less you'd be better off getting a desktop later because there are faster chips just around the corner, as well as onboard Bluetooth.

Get the iMac!
Originally posted by mindbend
I'm struggling between buying the 17" iMac or the DP 867 for home. The only thing holding me back on the iMac is the speed. It sure would be nice to have that extra processor as I will be using it as a second work machine.

When I was deciding on what Mac i wanted, I had the exact same problem (well, my g4 towers were the 800, 933 or dp 1ghz).....

I came to the decision of the G4 tower, cause o the expandability and the greater G4 speed. But I do have a saying that i use somedays.....

I love the power, hate the tower.

Maybe I should get a G4 cube? *laughs*
I'd go with the dual 867 for performance. Dual processors DO make a difference in the overall responsiveness in OSX, as it does support it. When multitasking the load is balanced across both processors and you will be able to tell. Also many games DO support dual processors now as well. Most likely will in the future as well since all the high end systems are now multiprocessor now. If you are a big 3D and Photoshop person the dual is a must. If you are the casual user and cost and space is more an issue go with the iMac. For longevity of the system I'd suggest the dual 867 without a doubt.

Hope that helps.
I thought my signature would have made it obvious, but I should state that I'm fully aware of the advantages of DP. My main question in the end was really whether or not the iMac would handle the games of today and tomorrow, if not the day after tomorrow.

I've got an SP 450 that I can tolerate in X, but just barely, so I'm hoping the iMac will be in the "just good enough" category of speed. I've decied on the iMac and I"m on my way to Woodfield mall to grab one now.
i was in the exact same situation until i found out that for the same price i could get the dp 867. it's not as cool (read: trendy) looking as the imac, but i don't care. the tower will hide, the 17" lcd that i bought will show. it's pretty. it's got usb ports. yay.
why i chose the dp 867:
the geforce4 MX is a pretty bad video card in comparison (slower than the geforce 3, only barely faster than the geforce 2mx. it hardly handles warcraft 3, let alone the games of tomorrow). i added the ATI Radeon 9000 Pro to my DP 867. i will add the ATI 10000000 whenever it comes out. because i can.
longevity. i'm sorry, but if i'm spending $2000+ on a computer, it had better last me a LONG time. my G4 450 lasted me about 5 years. my previous imac (600 DV) lasted me about a year.
adding HD space: an internal HD is much cheaper than a firewire one. less clutter, too.
processing power: i've used both the G4 imac 800 and the DP 867 and the DP feels much much faster. especially with Jaguar. everything really zips along in comparison.
i also added a superdrive to my machine (instead of the combo drive). i'm going to buy a CD-RW drive later on for the other bay that writes cds at 24x + (superdrive only writes cds at 8x).
the noise doesn't bug me. my soundsticks are always blaring away anyway.
anyway, i hope i helped. i was in your shoes about a month ago and went DP. no regrets.

Thanks for your response. That was the kind of info I needed, even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear. I was all ready to go to the local Apple store and get the iMAc, but I called them and they didn't have any, so now based on that and your comments, I'm taking it as a "sign" to go with the DP 867. It's a very good box, a lot of bang for the buck, but dang that iMac is cool (and quiet)!

Also, good info on the Radeon 9000. I'll be putting that in the 867 and switching it with my GF4MX from the DP 1 gig so I can get a new good card at work for not much $.
ok, maybe I am too late in to this discussion but..

i used to sit on the old old old PowerMac 9500. when apple released the G3's we upgraded the 9500 to a G3400 which was good, but I really couldn't feel that much of a difference.. but then when we bought a newer graphics card everything was noticably faster.

the same thing happened to my old sawtooth at work. so what I am trying to say is that in the long run you always "save" money by not chosing the cheapest system. the new G4:s has A LOT of space for expansion.

also one could speculate in what apple has planned for the future by making all the G4 towers (read HI-end systems) DP.

one thing I cannot understand though is how come all of you seem to think the towers are ugly?! if you think so, you all should spend some time at a workplace where 99% of all the boxes are ugly-a** Pc's..

that'll make you appreciate the coolness of the towers.
I think you'd like the iMac better, I've seen many games for mac on the iMac and they are good.

Seriously, DP 867 is only 50-60% more processing power. They are overclocked G4's with an embarassing excuse for a heat sink, and even though DDR is implemented, it cannot even be used because of the old overclocked processor. No onboard Bluetooth. Same G4 case that's been around for so long with a bad redesign. Come on the PCI cards on top for godsakes!

Bad mistake buying this POS.

You know, you can sell the iMac after 6 months or a year. Once you buy an Apple you aren't chained to it for the rest of your life. I sell my Apple every year, and I spend less than if I kept it.

Seems to me that you want the iMac, so get it. I think its the bomb!
I'm going DP just to be safe. With the 867 I know what I'm getting, basically a slightly slower version of my DP 1 gig. The iMac is more of a gamble, tho man I really want that little bugger.

I love ubermac's idea of constantly reselling machines, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Maybe next time around.
Originally posted by übermac®™
I think you'd like the iMac better, I've seen many games for mac on the iMac and they are good.

Seriously, DP 867 is only 50-60% more processing power. They are overclocked G4's with an embarassing excuse for a heat sink, and even though DDR is implemented, it cannot even be used because of the old overclocked processor. No onboard Bluetooth. Same G4 case that's been around for so long with a bad redesign. Come on the PCI cards on top for godsakes!

Bad mistake buying this POS.

let me get this straight- the DP is a POS because it's got 2 processors that are faster than the iMac's, it's got DDR RAM, it's in a tower that you don't like and it's got PCI cards at the top of the tower as opposed to the bottom.
it's pretty much better that the iMac in every way, yet you call it a POS? i don't understand. don't you have an iMac?
the DP 867 is $1699, the iMac is $2000.
Originally posted by boi

let me get this straight- the DP is a POS because it's got 2 processors that are faster than the iMac's, it's got DDR RAM, it's in a tower that you don't like and it's got PCI cards at the top of the tower as opposed to the bottom.
it's pretty much better that the iMac in every way, yet you call it a POS? i don't understand. don't you have an iMac?
the DP 867 is $1699, the iMac is $2000.
I see where he would be coming from on a few points... the 2 processors would be good for apps that do support dual processors, and seeing your signature, I think you've already got a kick ass machine... the DDR RAM in the new models isn't fully implemented and the processors can't use the RAM like it's supposed to, Apple "hacked" the processors to get the DDR to work, but like i said, they don't take full advantage. Also, the PCI slots at the top have just been found out to be a bad thing (just read an article before I posted this) if you've got some cards up there... because of where they are located, it's very poor for heat to be released and some of the cards were in excess of 30 degrees their maximum allowed temperature.

it's your buy, it's your money, do what ever you want to with it, but I think you'll like either machine, although I do think the 17" Widescreen iMac is a good system and will be good for what you're doing, but that's just me... go ahead and get the DP867 if you want to, i sure as hell ain't stoppin ya! :D It is a good system itself even with it's "fallouts" which have been proven in some independent benchmarks out on the web (ones not done by Apple)

Good luck with your purchase, whatever it may be! :cool:
After much consideration, I went with the DP. Thanks for everyone's excellent comments. In the end, I think either machine would have been fine, but for my needs I think the DP makes a little more sense. Here's why, in case anyone else is considering similar options:

I know it's a stupid reason, but since it's my home machine, I wanted to make sure the new box would play gmes well. I loaded up Ottomatic on the iMac at the store and it started choking immediately. Not terrible choking, but consistent minor hiccups. Very annoying. That cinched it. With no hopes of video card upgrades, it could only get worse as I tried to play more advanced games.

Here's another stupid reason. I am setting up a home music studio and wanted the iMac for the fact that it's so quiet and that the screen tilts so I could stand and play the keyboard while looking down at a monitor tilted back up at me. The iMac's screen doesn't tilt very far upward for obvious reasons. How many people need a screen to tilt 90 degrees up? Also, the screen was quite nice, but seemed a tad dark. Probably could have been fine tuned with settings.

I also have been wanting to train myself at home in Lightwave, which takes full advantage of two processors. Plus, I use Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, After Effects and other Dp-aware apps, so DP would definitely get used by me.

Regrets: It is true. The Power Macs are LOUD. Not crazy loud, but annoying loud. I am actually going to have to hide the thing in a closet it's so annoying. So much for my ultra-quiet studio. Now where are my video/USB extension cables...

For anyone considering the 17" iMac. It is a great machine. If it fits your needs, don't hesitate in getting one. I just have pretty demanding needs, otherwise I would have jumped on it.

Other tidbit. Apple fans will be happy to know that the Woodfield mall store was crowded on a Monday night. The staff couldn't keep up. I would say two out of three customers walked out with a box and peripherals. I saw a couple in their seventies get an iMac! Go Apple!