How I fixed my WRT54G and iMac issue (Airport)


I just got my beautiful 20" iMac Core 2 Duo in tonight which was a switch for me coming from the PC world. I was disappointed to have to spend the first 3.5 hours of the night trying to figure out why I couldn't connect to my wireless network. Instead of telling you everything I tried, I'll just cut to the chase:

I switched to Channel 11 and everything is flying. I actually got it to work very slowly on 9, but once I went to 11 on my router, my connecting is flying just like it was on my PC. I was then able to re-enable security (WPA or WPA2) and hide the SSID with no issue.

Also, I am running DD-WRT v23 SP2 firmware on my Linksys which I just flashed to tonight in hopes of solving the issue. I'm confident the channel issue would've fixed it on my old Alchemy firmware as well.

Good luck, hope this helps some of you!
i think this is the case because, if i remember right, channel 11 is the only one that support the full range, full power, and high speed on wireless-g, or something like that. i remember that when i set up someone's wireless several months ago, there were some things that it only supported on channel 11. and it could be that apple just makes their wireless cards use 11 only to make sure that it has all the features.