First, I don't have a crystal ball into the future. Apple doesn't have to be #1 to survive. They are an company that takes risks and challenges consumers to "think different." The problem is that many people, especially people in their late 20 to mid thirties think of Apple computers as a thing of the past. "I used to use an Apple, when I was in High-school and college", is a common responses. M$, as I see it has started a downward spin. I remember when M$ started and for many years they were a company that could do no wrong. The media made it seem that whatever M$ did was a great leap of technology. In fact, M$ is a media company, without it, they will not dominate. To many knowledgeable people about computers we know that they are not innovative just good at marketing. It is my opinion that M$ has recently suffered some negative market press. The very vehicle that created them will eventually ruin them. We have all read about security problems with M$, overpriced software (office). Many long time users are seeking a more reliable and secure computer. I don't believe Apple will dominate, because domination comes with a price. They will remain a company for many years. General Motors was created to crush Ford, it has failed to do so in all these years. Yet, Ford sells more vehicles than GM.