How much is too much excercising?


///M Therapist
I honestly can't go a day without working out now, I somehow feel that if I eat some sort of junk food, must burn that shiet quick!

Anyway everyday I've been doing one of the other:

When I'm by myself:

1: Treadmill for 6.5 miles (100 mins) with incline
1a: abs for 15 mins
1b: pushups for 5+ mins

When I'm with my cousn

2: Treadmill for 25 mins
2a: abs for 5 mins
2b: pushups for 2+ mins
2c: boxing for 45-75 mins

ps. I've lost 95 lbs so far
It's good to see I am not the only one. I absolutely feel the same way when I eat that university food. Get the feeling I would instantly die if I won't burn that stuff somehow.
My program:
everyday (beside sunday) gym for 60mins (12 different machines with 3 sets each going up to 20 repeats)
on monday, wednesday and saturday: 120mins of taekwondo
Ppl in the university call me sick but still I feel very much motivated. And I enjoy the moment of summer when the ppl come to me and ask for some help how to get rid of their fat... :D
My idea is that regularity beats everything
Hey I'm no doctor but I think as long as you are putting in the right" fuel"for your workouts (stay away from junkfood)you should be fine.So it looks like you are mostly training for the toned look,not the muscle mass aka The Arnold!I'm just glad it's finally warm enough to ride my bike again.
Heh - my program: I bike to school and back. Takes me about 35-45 minutes each way, depending if I take my time or not.

I try to make my own food, so I won't have to eat too much junk. It can be hard though...

Just the other day, I had the opportunity to laugh about how funny 'gym muscles' are - you know, the muscles that never do any real work, just lifting large steel blocks and putting them back down.

I was biking up a gentle hill, going slow because it was a hot day and I'd just been riding for around an hour already. Ahead of me was an enormously muscular guy, just straining to get up the hill, though he was going slower than me. With every stroke of the pedals, more muscles popped out of his arms and back than I think I have. His problem was, he obviously went to the gym and exercised only his upper body - his legs were as skinny as toothpicks. He had the most screwed up physique...
there are two concepts on training: increasing the maximum strength and increasing the muscle stamina. Mostly such bodybuilder just work on muscle growth and maximum strength. Thus their muscles are weak when it comes to stamina. However, a good training is a combination of both concepts. Take a look at Linford Christi: enormously muscular guy but still so much stamina and speed.. *envious*
I love the simple exercises - I have a pullup bar in my my room along with a 12 pound weight and an exercise ball. Between pullups, sit ups (with weight on my shoulders and on the exercise bar), and pull ups (feet on the ball), I couldn't have a better routine. This is in addition to playing soccer 8-10 hours a week and in conjunction with a semi-regular 4 mile run.
I really hope to get the run up to 2-3 times a week this summer - but it's always too dang hot outside!
Great, Diablo. From next month on, you will walk around the table and then get to the fridge and you stick a 500g weight to the remote. After that month, I will tell you how you should go on ;)
Alright Zammy. I will try and find a 500g weight... Walking around the table??? Hmm... but that's like an extra 2 meters to the fridge. I dunno, that may be stretching it. :-)
No pain, no gain, diablojota! It will make the beer all the better when you finally arrive at the fridge.
Okay, so last night I walked around the table before making my approach to the fridge. I tell you what, it was great when I finally got to the fridge to claim my reward. :)
Disclaimer: For all of you who think that I am probably very big boned, I am not. I am actually in good health, and fall into all appropriate weight recommendations for my height. ;)
Now imagine how much better you will feel after you ran 3km or so and then make your fridge-approach ;)
I love the shower after such excercises. It's not just cleaning, it's just ... uhmmmm... much more and so wonderful. Especially when my girlfriend... Oops! :D ;)
Zammy-Sam said:
Now imagine how much better you will feel after you ran 3km or so and then make your fridge-approach ;)
I love the shower after such excercises. It's not just cleaning, it's just ... uhmmmm... much more and so wonderful. Especially when my girlfriend... Oops! :D ;)
Now you've done it. You've gone too far ;)
As for 3km? I dunno, my knee doesn't take that kind of abuse very well.
Asking someone if you are exercising too much and then mentioning you've lost 95 lbs seems contrary to me...sounds like it's working great for you.

My wife gets irritated with me if I DON'T get some exercise in...only because I complain that I am not doing something I should be and I get a bit cranky...after a nice run (5 miles) and about 15-20 minutes of push ups and sit ups, I can relax and enjoy the day.

Just do what feels right. Make sure you get the right foods in, but don't tear yourself up if you wander from your diet every once in a while. Just make sure you stick to it over time and keep up the exercises. Some people say you should take breaks from exercise from time to time, but I think that is a gross generalization that does not apply to everyone. If your body needs a rest, take one. It'll let you know. If you can manage a diet and exercise schedule that allows you to exercise every day of your life, excellent. What works for some, doesn't work for others.

My 2 favorite things I love about working out:

1. I feel great all the time. There's been times where I stopped working out altogether for a couple of months...but once I get back into it, I just feel amazing all day.

2. I love to eat...I love it! When I am working out, running 25-30 miles a week and doing hundreds of sit ups and push ups a day, I can eat like a horse! I love it. My body needs the extra fuel to keep going the way I want it to, and I still lose weight and tighten things up. It's so great. And, because I know I have worked, literally, my ass off to get where I am, I can sit back and enjoy all the food I feel like eating even more, without feeling guilty about it.

Good luck, keep up the great work and enjoy it.

when i was like 12, i used to slightly overexercise. 20-50 km of bicycle a day, at least 1 km swimming, running randomly. every day.

years later, still switching with less activity to a lot more activity. i used to go to the swimming pool a few years back more often than to my bathroom, nearly. oh well, just 6-7 days a week to the pool. and now .. got a bicycle. because i'm lazy, so i can .. umh, well, save my energy on this really hillly city :)