How much would you charge for advanced tech support?

Lt Major Burns

"Dicky" Charlteston-Burns
I'm doing an invoice for some work i;ve just completed. i need to facotr in the fact that my mac went down, really badly, and they got their mac specialist in to bail me out, saving me a lot of money in one-to-one tech support consultancy.

how much does advanced independent apple support cost? say, per hour?
Are you giving them a discount on their help to you off of the invoice?

If you want to give them a discount, you might want to ask techs in your area what they charge per hour. Most service/repair techs I know charge anywhere between $50-150/hr for their services, dependent on location.

Now if your harddrive went down and the directory had to be repaired in order to save your data, I know some firms that charge a flat fee of around $3000 for this service alone if they have to use special equipment for the job...
I charge $35 per hour for home users, and between $50 to $75 per hour for professionals/businesses... but I've been told that I don't charge that much compared to other consultants/service people.