How roughed up is your portable mac?


has a mac beyond repair
If you have a Powerbook or an iBook or any kind of portable mac, I'm interested to know how bad it's roughed up. My TiBook case sticks out a bit in one spot and has a dent in the hinge in the back! Otherwise, it's pretty good.
My old graphite is still in great shape. Very rugged. My current G4 iBook just has some discoloration on the left palmrest, but that's about it.
my tibook has a brighter spot close to the network-plug. Might be because I have to press the twisted pair-plug down to unplug ;)
There are also some scratches on the lid because of my d-link webcam. Everything else is pretty much ok.
My iBook G3 (about 3 years old now) is in pretty good shape. It has some light scratches all over the casing, but otherwise remarkably good shape. Plus, I am extremely rough with it. I don't protect it while traveling. It's been dropped, etc.
A few light scratches on the case and a bit of yellowing around the trackpad/palmrest area, but otherwise in great shape.
My G3 Dual-USB iBook is about 3 years old and very mobile and roughly treated. It's got a couple of scratches starting to appear on the upper casing, around the apple logo, but that's about it.
It still looks new and shiny, though. :)
My favorite ibook has been abused worse than those at abu gharib. Two years ago I slipped on a patch of ice while walking to work while I landed on my ass my icebook smashed corner wise into the asphalt flipping over and over. After about a week worth of sanding and polishing you can barely see any evidence of the disaster. Then last year my brother in laws dog peed on my laptop bag soaking the contents. Two days of drying brought the ibook back to life. Then in February my dog chewed up the power cord as well as an ipod. Then last week my fiance snapped 3 keys off the ibook and broke the latch. But she is still purring along as good as ever. Oh, and I also have a slight crack in the lower right hand corner of the lcd display.
Now that everyone is talking about the iBook: My 02.2002 ibook G3 600 is surprisingly in perfect shape. I polished the cover some time ago and since then it looks like new. Ok, seems that I can't get rid of those keyboard-marks on the display..
My PB is fine. :)

The iBook's white keyboard tended to be full of black cat fur, as my cat loved to use it. Now with the metallic keyboard the cat fur would be less visible so he's not as interested in the powerbook.
My Aluminium PowerBook G4 is brand new.

My Wallstreet Powerbook G3 had the black paint scraped off it a little on the corners, and the battery-module release arm wasn't very snug anymore...

My old PowerBook 120 or 240 or something (I forget the specs) had the battery short out, so we just ran it on a power supply.

As for "portable", if you count the old Performa and the multitudes of Mac Classics, then they're all covered with the multicolour Apple stickers, and the SCSI ports have pins snapped and bent (but they still work - most of the time). The iMac DV is perfect.

I don't dish out an awful lot of abuse - my PowerBook is my baby.

Don't touch my baby, or I keel you.