How similar are Cocoa and GNUstep/OPENstep?


Hi everyone,

I've downloaded Ubuntu Linux for PPC for some fun.

Now, I think it will be easy to get my objective-c apps running on linux they should just compile straight away. But what about my Cocoa apps; with NSObject as root?

How similar is GNUstep to Cocoa these days? In my simply view of things :D I will just need to identify which classes have the same jobs between the two frameworks and go changing the names in my code? When I come to an exception find another way round and implement some new code.

I can go through my project in this way at the moment because it's relatively small. An also I'm working on the model bit (I'm mostly using C arrays and Objective-C classes for number crunching) of the MVC paradigm and haven't used much cocoa so far because there is not GUI yet.

How feasable is it to port my Controller and View Objects over to OPENstep?
