How to boot up into OSX


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Here's something i found out today. OS9 has been really screwy lately, and i think im gonna back up my hd, and reformat, and copy back all my stuff. Right when i get to the Desktop in 9, i have a spinning watch, and i cnt do anything, forcequiting restarts the computer. I am running OS9 9.2.2, and OSX 10.1.3 on a PowerBook G3 Pismo. Anyways, i called Apple about 2 weeks ago, and said i wasn't under warranty anymore, and they would not tell me a hotkey to log into OSX from 9. Well, after my first try, I figured it out!!!

Hold down "command + option + x" to get to osx.

Is the option necessary? Seems like command S gets you into single user mode (or was it option s?) and I thought I started in OS X with simply command X. There is also one to boot into 9 but I don't know what that is. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, I'd hate to be spreading falsities.
well, im not sure exactly, but i tried those three and it worked, aybe you are right. try maybe option command 9(just a guess)
Actually, it's just the "X" key, not Command-X or Option-X or Option-Command-X. Here's an excerpt from an Apple KB article:

When Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X are both installed on the same volume, you may press and hold the X key during startup to select Mac OS X.

Here's the link:

It looks like this only works when OS 9 and OS X are installed on the same partition though. Of course, you could just use the option key in the case of a partition.

And yes, Koelling, you are right that Command-S boots you into single-user mode. About the OS 9 one, though – I thought there was a command sequence too, but there doesn't seem to be. The easiest way is to just hold down the option key and just select from there. Of course, that won't work if OS 9 and OS X are both installed on the same partition.

One thing that I should note, is that if you hold down the option key at startup as well as the mouse button, it won't take the 30 seconds to search for all the external devices and stuff – I think it just searches the internal drives and internal optical drive.