How to burn with Finder/DiskImageMounter/Disk Utility


hey there...well, apparently is not letting me post under my usual "spitty27" so i had to make this account. since apple has gotten rid of disc copy, and toast does not work in can i burn my 7b21 disc images!?!! i got an external hp dvd burner (dvd writer dvd200e) connected with FW to my Pismo...i would really like to get a move on it and install 7b21 as soon as possible, so could someone tell me how i could get these things burned?

all help appreciated
open disk utility, choose 'images', 'burn', done. if your writer is not supported by mac os x' cd-burning libraries, then you're out of luck, sadly.
well...thanks for the help, but i just used my sister's ibook running jag - target disk mode and copied the files and used toast from there...its all working.
Originally posted by goozballs3
not there...dont see it i got

new, attach, verify, checksum, convert, resize, scan images for restore
His burner is probably not supported? better to have 'burn' greyed out instead of not showing?
I do not have panther so do not know for sure - but am immensely interested.
alright...well, it did work. i just sent the files to the iBook and used toast from jaguar to burn 7B21 and 7B28. Right now im on 7B21, and ill put 28 on this evening...thanks for all the help
Erhm... :) I wouldn't have installed 7B21 if you _do_ have 7B28. And: 'Burn' should be between 'convert' and 'resize'. If it's not, then something's special about your machine/installation. Probably that the burner isn't supported (yet).