How to change computer owner?


I have just bought a TiPB and want to use MacOS X as default. However, this was a demo model and someone else had previously set up OS X. I have added myself as a User with admin privileges, and deleted the original user, but on the Log In screen, it still says that the computer belongs to the deleted previous owner.

How do I make myself the owner of the computer?
ipsyd, I'm trying to do the same thing but I can't! I'm giving my TiBook to my dad and I will soon get a new computer. I would like to create a user in his name, give it full rights, then delete my old user.

This is what I have done:

1) System prefs -> Users
2) Created a new user, gave it a name and password.
3) Checked the "allow user to administer this computer" box and pressed ok.

The first problem that I noticed is that the password is not changed at all, it stays as the password of the first admin. If I go back and edit the user and change the password, it will tell me that I can't change the password because of some Keychain problem.

Also I can't delete the old user (probably because I'm logged in as this user). Actually this might be the answer to all my problems! :D I think I just answered my own question just by taking time to write this down :o
Log back in my fellow Montrealais!

If all else fails just reinstall OS X. I recently sold my old iMac DV+ to someone, and I just reformatted and reinstalled to make sure there wasn't any residual c- from my configurations, and boy there was lots hehe.